Signor Amato's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies. 阿马托先生的政府在下议院仅以16席的优势占有多数席位。
Chamber of Deputies of the Comoro Archipelago 科摩罗群岛代表大会
We left this luncheon to go to the Chamber of Deputies. 离开午宴后我们去了众议院。
Making things worse, a rebellion in mid-2010 by his former lieutenant, Gianfranco Fini, left the government with a thin and fluctuating majority in the Chamber of Deputies. 雪上加霜的是,2010年年中众议院议长詹弗兰科?菲尼对他的倒戈使得政府在众议院只能获得摇摇欲坠,上下波动的多数支持。
The Chamber of Deputies, where the government has a bigger majority, was due to start debating the funding on February26th; 在政府拥有大多数的下议院,一个关于资金支持的讨论将于2月26日进行;
Then, throwing himself back in his carriage, Danglars called out to his coachman, in a voice that might be heard across the road, "To the Chamber of Deputies." 于是,腾格拉尔重重地往座位上一靠,用一种从街对面都听得到的高声向他的车夫喊道:到众议院
Whether the 74-year-old billionaire can last long with a majority of just three votes in the chamber of deputies remains in doubt, with early elections still a likely outcome. 凭借在意大利下议院仅仅三票的多数优势,这位74岁的亿万富翁能否呆得长久还存在疑问,意大利仍有可能提前举行议会选举。
When news reached the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, scuffles broke out between government and opposition. 当消息传到众议院,引起了政府和反对派之间的混战。
As he and his wife left the church, it seemed to him that it was only a stone's throw from that edifice to the chamber of deputies. 当他同妻子离开教堂的时候,他似乎感到那座建筑离国民议会大厅只有一箭之遥了。